KTK KLIMATECHNIK is a G.I. HOLDING international Group brand. 40 years of consolidated experience make it a key global brand in the Air Conditioning and Process Cooling business, characterized by skilled know-how, flexibility and innovation.
KTK KLIMATECHNIK’s key strength lies in its ability to deliver focused, custom responses to highly specific needs, especially in large systems. Combining experience with advanced technology, innovative research and development solutions, KTK KLIMATECHNIK designs, manufactures and customizes a complete range of machines, especially dedicated to industrial processes and air conditioning of commercial and industrial environments.
The G.I. HOLDING headquarters are located in a new facility in Latisana (UD) (Italy). It boasts a 1,500 m² showroom with a display of units manufactured at all the Group’s plants and the Cooling Academy: a training centre equipped for technical coaching of consultants, business professionals, engineers and designers, with rooms for unit function simulation.
The G.I. HOLDING Group network includes the G.I. INDUSTRIAL HOLDING company with its 4 manufacturing plants (Latisana, Ronchis and Rivignano Teor in Italy and Biatorbágy in Hungary - GIMEK Zrt), the G.I. INDUSTRIAL ASIA HOLDING Sdn Bhd manufacturing and trading company based in Malaysia and the G.I. MIDDLE EAST Fze trading company based in United Arab Emirates.
The Latisana facility hosts a newly built manufacturing plant dedicated to small and medium liquid Chillers and Heat Pumps and the Sales & Marketing Departments.
In addition to the large liquid Chillers and Heat Pumps production plant, Rivignano Teor (UD) (Italy) is also home to the newly established Climatic Chamber that allows the company to perform witness tests in the presence of customers to prove the perfect functionality and performance of its units in a huge variety of operating conditions. This allows a wide array of tests to be carried out in an outdoor air temperature of -20°C to + 50°C.
The Packaged Rooftop and Close Control Units manufacturing plant is located in Ronchis (UD) (Italy).
In Biatorbágy, Hungary there is a manufacturing plant for Air Handling Units, Fan Coil Units and Air Handling Terminal Units.
The International markets are supported by 4 sales offices based in Italy, Russia, United Arab Emirates and Malaysia and a network of over 70 worldwide distributors.

Company production, spread over 4 European production plants, is divided between modern assembly lines and work islands.
In both cases, the whole production process is subject to thorough checks and controls, both in the final and intermediate phases. Each unit must undergo strict testing, simulating even the most demanding operating conditions at the customer’s site.
Pressure, temperature, sound level, vibrations: everything is checked to ensure it complies with set parameters.
The Service Network, relying on highly skilled professionals, is available to carry out unit start-up at the customer’s premises to ensure flawless unit function.
The toughest challenge in our sector today is ensuring maximum comfort with minimum energy consumption. Thanks to its continuous research in new technical solutions, KTK KLIMATECHNIK offers its newest and widest high efficiency range featuring A CLASS energy efficiency with the highest SEER/SEPR/SCOP, including models with Scroll, Screw, Turbocor and Centrifugal compressors.

LOW GWP REFRIGERANTS: HFO-R1234ze, R513A, R452B, R454B E R454C.
In a market increasingly concerned with environmental issues, KTK KLIMATECHNIK offers the broadest range of liquid chillers and heat pumps operating with low GWP refrigerants.
The latest generation refrigerant HFO-R1234ze, with GWP<1 (Global Warming Potential), is the most environmentally sustainable refrigerant on the market to meet even the strictest international environmental regulations. KTK KLIMATECHNIK has two ranges of Air cooled or Water cooled liquid Chillers both with Turbocor or Screw compressors specially designed for HFO-R1234ze refrigerant.
R454C refrigerant with extremely low GWP was used for the new range of high temperature Scroll heat pumps.
The units in the catalogue with traditional R410A and R134a refrigerants can also be supplied with low GWP alternatives, respectively R452B, R454B and R513A, on request.